Name: Solomohn Nallshi Ennis
Where you live: Chicago, Illinois
What you do as a vocation or avocation? I am a writer, editor, and publisher.
Your two favorite books: Faith and The Good Thing by Charles Johnson (The smartest, purest, most creative work I have ever read).
How to Read Literature Like A Professor by Thomas Foster (Foster, and my professors Michael R. Molino and Kevin K. Collins ignited then waved the flames of my fiery passion for literature).
Your two favorite songs:"Lord You Have My Heart" by Delirious? (I know it is fairly new but it is one of my favorites).
"Here In The Real World" by Alan Jackson
Why you are interested in spirituality? Because I love HIM. Lord, how I love Thee. I am interested in spirituality because it is where I met God. It is the place of our connection. It is where my soul receives the Gospel and is nourished by the Bible.
Your favorite quote: "If you live this life and do not gain compassion for your brothers and sisters—you have lost something."–Minister Louis Farrakhan
Your favorite web sites:Oneplace.com,
puresexradio.com (Biblical sexual purity)
Your hero?
I have so many, but each precious one can has this characteristic: They are witnesses for the Lord.
A spiritual lesson you hope to learn? This is such a difficult question. What I want to learn requires pain, and I do not care for pain. However, because His yoke is easy and His burden is light, and His grace is sufficient—I have asked the Father for: wisdom, patience, discernment, Revelation knowledge, and a heart and life that is committed to the cause of Christ.
A place in the world where you feel spiritually "connected?" I believe this place is in Alabama. My mother, Barbara Ennis, and my father, Solomon Heard, were born there. I always feel a cleansing, refreshing connectedness there. God has spoken to me through my parents more times and in more ways than I will ever be able to count, and when I walk the dirt roads of my parent’s old towns, I feel a completeness and a closeness that defies comprehension.
Where you live: Chicago, Illinois
What you do as a vocation or avocation? I am a writer, editor, and publisher.
Your two favorite books: Faith and The Good Thing by Charles Johnson (The smartest, purest, most creative work I have ever read).
How to Read Literature Like A Professor by Thomas Foster (Foster, and my professors Michael R. Molino and Kevin K. Collins ignited then waved the flames of my fiery passion for literature).
Your two favorite songs:"Lord You Have My Heart" by Delirious? (I know it is fairly new but it is one of my favorites).
"Here In The Real World" by Alan Jackson
Why you are interested in spirituality? Because I love HIM. Lord, how I love Thee. I am interested in spirituality because it is where I met God. It is the place of our connection. It is where my soul receives the Gospel and is nourished by the Bible.
Your favorite quote: "If you live this life and do not gain compassion for your brothers and sisters—you have lost something."–Minister Louis Farrakhan
Your favorite web sites:Oneplace.com,
puresexradio.com (Biblical sexual purity)
Your hero?
I have so many, but each precious one can has this characteristic: They are witnesses for the Lord.
A spiritual lesson you hope to learn? This is such a difficult question. What I want to learn requires pain, and I do not care for pain. However, because His yoke is easy and His burden is light, and His grace is sufficient—I have asked the Father for: wisdom, patience, discernment, Revelation knowledge, and a heart and life that is committed to the cause of Christ.
A place in the world where you feel spiritually "connected?" I believe this place is in Alabama. My mother, Barbara Ennis, and my father, Solomon Heard, were born there. I always feel a cleansing, refreshing connectedness there. God has spoken to me through my parents more times and in more ways than I will ever be able to count, and when I walk the dirt roads of my parent’s old towns, I feel a completeness and a closeness that defies comprehension.