Real People, Real Lives, Real Spirituality...
Name: Kathleen
Where you live: Midwest, USA
What you do as a vocation or avocation? I write poetry and work in a secondhand bookshop.
Your two favorite books: The Wild Iris by Louise Gluck and whatever I am reading at the moment, which is, lately Gilead by Marilynne Robinson (and re-reading Housekeeping, also by Robinson).
Your two favorite cd's: Courage by Paula Cole and My Life by Iris DeMent
Why you are interested in spirituality? I am interested in living an authentic life, and I have to be in touch with my spirituality in order to do so. As a poet, I am immersed in the tangible, concrete, sensory world but in a way that fully acknowledges and honors what is ineffable and paradoxical about life, its sacred mystery.
Your favorite quote: "Nothing can help me but that beauty." --Jelahuddin Rumi (I think there are variations on that translation.)
Your favorite web sites: http://www.writing.com/ (online writing community) and, well, for endless help, Google!
A spiritual lesson you hope to learn? How to maintain the patience and peace and quiet joy that have come in midlife, with the choice to stay rooted in the authentic life. I feel more like I did as a child! And I like that.
A place in the world where you feel spiritually "connected?" New Covenant Community is my worship community, a progressive Christian church. I feel connected to women and spirituality at the annual NCC Women's Retreat. And in 2007 I visited the desert for the first time, in Tucson, AZ, and felt spiritually connected there!--to that beauty, and that desolation, and the glorious life within it.
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