Saturday, May 3, 2008

Sven Nieder, Interview # 34

Name: Sven Nieder
Where you live (vague as you wanna be): Bielefeld / Germany
What you do as a vocation or avocation? photographer
Your two favorite books:
Siddharta / Hesse
Der leere Spiegel / Janwillem van de Wetering
Your two favorite cd's:
The Man Comes Around / Cash
Nevermind / Nirvana
Why you are interested in spirituality?
Because it is life.
Your favorite quote:"No one has ever reached Santiago by sitting in a bar." (unknown)
A spiritual lesson you hope to learn?Patience.
A place in the world where you feel spiritually "connected?"
When I walk on my feet and feel the earth.
Portfolio Update:

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