Real People, Real Lives, Real Spirituality...
Name: Austin Repath
Where you live: Toronto, Canada
What do you do as a vocation or avocation: I'm not sure
Your Two Favorite Books: The Immense Journey by Loren Eiseley,
His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman and, of course, LOTR (The Lord of the Rings)
Favorite CD: The Silk Road Ensemble Yo-Yo Ma
Why Are you Interested in Spirituality: There is fame, fortune, money, power, sex, but the best game in town is spirituality, and for me that means love in all its manifestations.
Your Favorite Quote: "When humanity learns to harness the power of love, it will have discovered fire for the second time." Teilhard Chardin
Movies: The Seventh Seal, The Fisher King, Don Juan de Marcos, The Bucket File
Your Favorite Web Sites: http://www.letterstothenextgeneration.com/ and http://www.pilgrimcards.com/
Your Hero: Anthony Quinn as Zorba,The Greek
A Spiritual Lesson You Hope to Learn: Learning how to bring love into this world.
A Place in the World Where You Feel Spiritually "Connected?" Walking the pilgrim's route, El Camino de Santiago inSpain, and sitting in front of the fireplace in my log cabin.
email: thepilgrim@look.ca
Pilgrim CardsName: Austin Repath
Where you live: Toronto, Canada
What do you do as a vocation or avocation: I'm not sure
Your Two Favorite Books: The Immense Journey by Loren Eiseley,
His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman and, of course, LOTR (The Lord of the Rings)
Favorite CD: The Silk Road Ensemble Yo-Yo Ma
Why Are you Interested in Spirituality: There is fame, fortune, money, power, sex, but the best game in town is spirituality, and for me that means love in all its manifestations.
Your Favorite Quote: "When humanity learns to harness the power of love, it will have discovered fire for the second time." Teilhard Chardin
Movies: The Seventh Seal, The Fisher King, Don Juan de Marcos, The Bucket File
Your Favorite Web Sites: http://www.letterstothenextgeneration.com/ and http://www.pilgrimcards.com/
Your Hero: Anthony Quinn as Zorba,The Greek
A Spiritual Lesson You Hope to Learn: Learning how to bring love into this world.
A Place in the World Where You Feel Spiritually "Connected?" Walking the pilgrim's route, El Camino de Santiago inSpain, and sitting in front of the fireplace in my log cabin.
email: thepilgrim@look.ca
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