Sunday, November 2, 2014

Mark Susnow, Interview #208

Your Name: 
Mark Susnow

Where you live: 
San Anselmo, California

What you do as a vocation or avocation? 
You might say I’m a lover of life. Its complexities, its mystery and its adventure.  And you could say I’m a life coach, thought-leader, author, musician, and avid tennis player.

Your two favorite books: 
Throughout the years I’ve had many favorites. After I wrote Dancing on the River: Navigating Life’s Changes, four years ago, there has been one book that has touched me deeply and that is The Beggar King: The Secret of Happiness by Joel Ben Izzy; I was so moved that I googled the author to thank him for writing the book and sharing his story.

Your two favorite songs: 
That’s a challenge to keep it to two. Since I’m a musician I have been exposed to many songs and music from cultures all over the world. I have always liked the Fool on the Hill by the Beatles. We are the World touches me and I play that on the piano and sing it. Most recently, on our weekly radio show, Journey On, we were honored to have as our guest, an amazing Brazilian artist, Kaliyani. Her inspiration Nammu’s Invocation, touched my soul.

Why you are interested in spirituality? 
I have always been interested since I’ve been a little kid. My father died when I was six. From that point on I always wondered about the nature of God and why certain things happen in life. In the last chapter of Dancing on the River I write about Embracing the Great Mystery.

Your favorite quote: 
"When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be."--Lao Tzu  

Here’s one I wrote. "When you discover and honor your true nature and core beliefs, your life will be more consistent with the self you want to awaken."

Your favorite web sites
Although I don’t visit it that often, when I do, I always feel better. The is one of my favorites. And of course I’m excited about my site,

Your hero? Both Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela are up there.

A spiritual lesson you hope to learn?  
Among other things we’re here to share our joy with others. With that comes learning to be less judgmental and more accepting.

A place in the world where you feel spiritually "connected?" 
I’ve been a meditator for over 40 years so I usually, not all the time, feel that deep place inside. And yoga allows me to find that deeper peace. Being in nature soothes my soul and I experience that deeper place inside when I play music.

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